Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Effective Avoid Heart Disease

Heart disease is most sadistic killer. Every year, tens of millions of people worldwide die from this disease and there are millions of people convicted as new carriers. Unfortunately, most people do not know that heart disease is preventable through diet and natural settings.
Changes in diet can reduce the risk of heart attack up to 81 percent.

Experts from Europe who joined in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) in recent years to study the pattern and nutrient intake in 10 European countries. The research also develop ways or strategies to reduce risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

According to researcher and author of Your dietitian Healthy Weight Loss Plan, John Phillip, the results of various research shows that heart disease can be formed since the beginning of one's life and later developed into a deadly threat when they grow up. The good news is the risk of heart disease can be controlled and avoided by making simple changes in lifestyle and diet person.

EPIC Research published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that a change in diet can reduce the risk of heart attack up to 81 percent. By setting the right diet, the risk of inflammation can be reduced and blood pressure under control.

Experts stressed four important factors that one can do in order to avoid the risk of heart disease:

1. Reduce foods containing refined carbohydrates, sugar, and grains.

Processed foods have now become the main menu every day. In fact, these foods contain simple carbohydrates that easily processed into glucose, causing blood sugar increase in a short time. This is the trigger of insulin resistance and cause a thickening of the endothelial lining of coronary vessels. It is recommended to gradually reduce your intake of types of bread, pasta, rice, sugary foods, and all foods made from wheat or corn.

2. Limit the Omega-6 vegetable oils.

Vegetable oil or vegetable oil is relatively stable at room temperature and used in nearly all the roasting and processing of food to add flavor and make it more durable. According to experts, excessive consumption of vegetable oil can also trigger the release of chemicals that increase oxidative stress and trigger damage to the vascular system. But avoid the use of vegetable oils for cooking and limit eating fried foods.

3. Do not forget the Omega-3 fatty acids

Modern diets are almost never incorporate healthy foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which in fact never been part of human diet for centuries. According to experts, the ideal ratio between fatty acid content of Omega-6 and Omega-3 in the 1:1 diet.

The experts also agree that most people in Europe today mengasup diet with a ratio of 20:1. As a result, this phenomenon causes an imbalance and trigger a systemic inflammation. Advice from the experts, enter the types of fish, like tuna, salmon, and sardines, nuts, and grains to balance the ratio of your fat intake or by taking supplements of fish oil.

4. Avoid oxidative stress

Akitivitas normal body such as breathing, eating, and moving can generate free radicals that damage the genetic structure and cause bad cholesterol (LDL) oxidation. We can not prevent this process fully. However, we can mute it by way of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries of the species, and certain supplements to reduce the effects of free radicals on heart health and other organs.
READ MORE - Effective Avoid Heart Disease

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Vitamins from Food is Best Vitamins

Even if only in small amounts, vitamins and minerals each have specific functions and are included in the main nutrients the body needs.

Vitamins are organic molecules that our bodies need to process a normal metabolism and growth. This vitamin can not be produced by body and must be met from outside through food.

There are many food supplement and vitamins. There is a liquid, tablet, or capsule. Practicality reason make many people to consume these supplements.

Nevertheless, natural vitamin, from fruits and vegetables will be better.

Better fruits or vegetables because it also contained vitamins and minerals, fiber, fluids, and other important fitokemikal.

Vitamin supplements, especially if high doses could increase risk of excess body vitamins. It could be our body is actually just a specific vitamin deficiency. If we take complex of supplements, we will also get vitamins that may not be needed we body.

Water-soluble vitamins, like vitamin B and C, also can not be stored in large quantities in body. Excess of this vitamin will be issued via urine.
READ MORE - Vitamins from Food is Best Vitamins

Diet with Banana

Diet does not have to avoid foods that contain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates play an important role as an energy source the body. Within a day, the body requires carbohydrate intake to 50 percent.

Types of carbohydrates that is suitable for those who are dieting are complex carbohydrates that will be absorbed by the body more slowly so the body does not easily hungry. Examples are brown rice and processed products that are not refined wheat flour (whole wheat).

Bananas are included in the carbohydrate group recommended because it contains starch (resistant starch), which makes the body full longer and speed up the process of metabolism. Therefore, the fruit is very suitable to be a substitute for a snack.

A piece of medium-sized banana contains 12.5 grams of starch, far more than other foods. In addition, the banana also has a low fat content.

Another advantage is the yellow fruit contains vitamins A, C, and B. Bananas also contain potassium, a mineral that can help lower blood pressure. Other minerals found in bananas is magnesium.
READ MORE - Diet with Banana

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Dental Health Can Systemic Impact

Oral hygiene are important things that need to be maintained. Oral health is not only related to issues in aesthetics only, but also can cause serious health problems.

The emergence of diseases related to teeth such as caries (tooth decay) or periodontal disease (infection of the tooth / dental plaque), for example, can be fatal to the health of the body.

There are two types of disturbances in the teeth and mouth that can cause systemic disease.

If not addressed quickly can cause the microbes in dental plaque, spread and cause systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, respiratory diseases, diabetes and even cause premature birth.

Caries or tooth decay is the disease on dental hard tissue that is email, dentin and cementum that ferment carbohydrates on the teeth.

Caries process is characterized by the occurrence of demineralization of dental hard tissue, followed by damage to organic materials that cause bacterial invasion and damage to the pulp tissue and spread infection to the periapical tissue and cause pain.

While periodontal disease is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that accumulate in the plaque, which causes gingival inflammation, so it is often also called plaque disease.

He said, just as other organs, oral cavity is a gathering place for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Oral bacteria can spread through the bloodstream, called bacteremia.

From the study reported that bacteremia occurred in 100 percent of patients after tooth extraction, 70 per cent after cleaning tartar, 55 percent after surgery three molars, and 20 percent after root canal treatment of teeth.

In normal oral health condition, only the number of bacteria that enter the bloodstream and not harmful. However, in individuals who have poor oral hygiene, then the number of bacteria on the surface of the teeth increased 20-10 times, so the chances of bacteremia to be larger.

Focal infection theory states that the infection in the oral cavity is responsible for the occurrence and development of three systemic namely cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.

But of the three most influential are cardiovascular disease, because bacteria can gear directly into the body through the bloodstream. This shows that the teeth and oral cavity can function as a pathway for disease-causing microbes other body gets.

Although in some developing countries reportedly have been improved or improving oral health, but dental and oral health problems remains a challenge that needs filling.

In this case, it takes an active part of society to behave in a healthy life that starts from ourselves. Not enough just to keep the habit alone, but must also try to avoid some risk factors for oral disease such as smoking, alcohol and stress. Also, get used to a diet with balanced nutrition, reduce intake of sugar and and visit the dentist regularly at least twice a year.

It can be concluded that oral health is well maintained to prevent someone from suffering the risk of oral disease and systemic disease.
READ MORE - Dental Health Can Systemic Impact

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Wine Fruit to Overcome Insomnia

One more benefit of grapes. People with insomnia or restless sleep, turned out to be helpful so you can easily close my eyes with this fruit.

In grapes, there is a hormone called melatonin, a hormone that serves to regulate our body's biological clock. Starting at 18:00 this hormone begin to flood our bodies until it is full at around 22.00. At that time we are getting sleepy and sleep.

People insomnia have less of this hormone melatonin. The signs of insomnia are not only difficult to sleep, but also awakened from sleep and could not sleep anymore. One solution so I can sleep is to eat grapes. 1 serving of wine would suffice. 1 portion of the same wine grapes by consuming 6-8.

Melatonin is only working at night, whereas during the day is not functioning because there's sunlight. But he was often deceived. At the moment we are in the dark space (even in the daytime) or melatonin will dim then go out and make us sleepy.

Overcoming insomnia by consuming wine would be better if accompanied by drinking milk. But not yet known when lelapnya since he ate grapes.
READ MORE - Wine Fruit to Overcome Insomnia

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Tea for Health Benefits

Who's thirsty? Maybe you should drink a cup of tea. Not only thirst that would disappear, the tea also contained a variety of healthful benefits.

"Drinking tea is actually better than drinking water. When the water only to replace lost fluids, tea double benefit, eliminating the liquid and also contains antioxidants," said Dr.Carrie Ruxton, nutritionist and researcher.

Antioxidants in tea, flavonoids, beneficial to reduce cell damage from free radicals. Some studies have even linked flavonoids with reduced risk of cancer and heart disease.

To get the content of antioxidants in tea, the British Nutrition Foundation recommends consuming 1-6 cups of tea per day, either green tea or black tea. Even so, those who are vulnerable anemia is not recommended to be too much to drink tea because tea can inhibit absorption of iron from food.

Although tea contains caffeine which can draw the liquid out, but according to Ruxton cup of tea, even coffee, will give the body more than the removal of water.
READ MORE - Tea for Health Benefits

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Married Men Rarely Stress

In addition to making life more meaningful, was married and a family can make a man healthy, long life, and rarely stressed.

Health benefits gained from marriage is derived from the low stress hormone, cortisol, and combination of other factors. The low level of cortisol is to make someone respond with better psychological pressure.

Although pernihakan also bring its own stress, men who marry will be easier to deal with other stressors in her life.

His research involved 500 students who are given a series of computer games that create stress. Of all respondents, 40 percent of men and 53 percent of women married or have partners. The researchers also collected saliva samples to measure levels of cortisol and testosterone, before and after the game.

At the beginning of the study, men and single women have the same levels of stress hormones compared to participants who are married. In contrast levels of stress hormones married men is lower, as well as levels of testosterone.

According to researchers, low levels of testosterone is a natural thing and can be easily found in primates or birds that have paternal behavior.

Low body's ability to deal with stress is an important prerequisite in the health and life expectancy. Those who experience prolonged stress more easily fall sick because of lower body resistance. Stress in the long run can also cause blockages in blood vessels which inevitably result in heart disease.
READ MORE - Married Men Rarely Stress