Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Effective Avoid Heart Disease

Heart disease is most sadistic killer. Every year, tens of millions of people worldwide die from this disease and there are millions of people convicted as new carriers. Unfortunately, most people do not know that heart disease is preventable through diet and natural settings.
Changes in diet can reduce the risk of heart attack up to 81 percent.

Experts from Europe who joined in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) in recent years to study the pattern and nutrient intake in 10 European countries. The research also develop ways or strategies to reduce risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

According to researcher and author of Your dietitian Healthy Weight Loss Plan, John Phillip, the results of various research shows that heart disease can be formed since the beginning of one's life and later developed into a deadly threat when they grow up. The good news is the risk of heart disease can be controlled and avoided by making simple changes in lifestyle and diet person.

EPIC Research published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that a change in diet can reduce the risk of heart attack up to 81 percent. By setting the right diet, the risk of inflammation can be reduced and blood pressure under control.

Experts stressed four important factors that one can do in order to avoid the risk of heart disease:

1. Reduce foods containing refined carbohydrates, sugar, and grains.

Processed foods have now become the main menu every day. In fact, these foods contain simple carbohydrates that easily processed into glucose, causing blood sugar increase in a short time. This is the trigger of insulin resistance and cause a thickening of the endothelial lining of coronary vessels. It is recommended to gradually reduce your intake of types of bread, pasta, rice, sugary foods, and all foods made from wheat or corn.

2. Limit the Omega-6 vegetable oils.

Vegetable oil or vegetable oil is relatively stable at room temperature and used in nearly all the roasting and processing of food to add flavor and make it more durable. According to experts, excessive consumption of vegetable oil can also trigger the release of chemicals that increase oxidative stress and trigger damage to the vascular system. But avoid the use of vegetable oils for cooking and limit eating fried foods.

3. Do not forget the Omega-3 fatty acids

Modern diets are almost never incorporate healthy foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which in fact never been part of human diet for centuries. According to experts, the ideal ratio between fatty acid content of Omega-6 and Omega-3 in the 1:1 diet.

The experts also agree that most people in Europe today mengasup diet with a ratio of 20:1. As a result, this phenomenon causes an imbalance and trigger a systemic inflammation. Advice from the experts, enter the types of fish, like tuna, salmon, and sardines, nuts, and grains to balance the ratio of your fat intake or by taking supplements of fish oil.

4. Avoid oxidative stress

Akitivitas normal body such as breathing, eating, and moving can generate free radicals that damage the genetic structure and cause bad cholesterol (LDL) oxidation. We can not prevent this process fully. However, we can mute it by way of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries of the species, and certain supplements to reduce the effects of free radicals on heart health and other organs.
READ MORE - Effective Avoid Heart Disease

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Vitamins from Food is Best Vitamins

Even if only in small amounts, vitamins and minerals each have specific functions and are included in the main nutrients the body needs.

Vitamins are organic molecules that our bodies need to process a normal metabolism and growth. This vitamin can not be produced by body and must be met from outside through food.

There are many food supplement and vitamins. There is a liquid, tablet, or capsule. Practicality reason make many people to consume these supplements.

Nevertheless, natural vitamin, from fruits and vegetables will be better.

Better fruits or vegetables because it also contained vitamins and minerals, fiber, fluids, and other important fitokemikal.

Vitamin supplements, especially if high doses could increase risk of excess body vitamins. It could be our body is actually just a specific vitamin deficiency. If we take complex of supplements, we will also get vitamins that may not be needed we body.

Water-soluble vitamins, like vitamin B and C, also can not be stored in large quantities in body. Excess of this vitamin will be issued via urine.
READ MORE - Vitamins from Food is Best Vitamins

Diet with Banana

Diet does not have to avoid foods that contain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates play an important role as an energy source the body. Within a day, the body requires carbohydrate intake to 50 percent.

Types of carbohydrates that is suitable for those who are dieting are complex carbohydrates that will be absorbed by the body more slowly so the body does not easily hungry. Examples are brown rice and processed products that are not refined wheat flour (whole wheat).

Bananas are included in the carbohydrate group recommended because it contains starch (resistant starch), which makes the body full longer and speed up the process of metabolism. Therefore, the fruit is very suitable to be a substitute for a snack.

A piece of medium-sized banana contains 12.5 grams of starch, far more than other foods. In addition, the banana also has a low fat content.

Another advantage is the yellow fruit contains vitamins A, C, and B. Bananas also contain potassium, a mineral that can help lower blood pressure. Other minerals found in bananas is magnesium.
READ MORE - Diet with Banana